Technical Recommendations

Ethernet recommended

Stova recommends that laptops and computers used for check-in be connected to the internet using  ethernet wired connections. Information regarding ethernet availability can be provided by the ASU venue manager or your unit's tech support.

What to know about WiFi

While you can connect laptops and computers to wireless networks (ie - WiFi), be aware that ethernet connections are faster than WiFi connections - up to 2 times faster than WiFi. Plus you will not suffer loss of wireless signal with a wired connection.

Further, WiFi network (such as the ASU network) and cellular network performance can be affected by total number of people using those networks. So if all your attendees are connecting to those networks with their smartphones and tablets, everyone will experience slower network performance.

Also keep in mind that most ASUbuildings have WiFi available, but outdoor spaces do not.

ASU Events channel on WiFi network

If you must use WiFi on the ASU campus, you can reserve the ASU Events WiFi channel - a channel of the WiFi spectrum reserved for usage by event staff during an event. Units should also reserve the Events channel if their event is outdoors. The WiFi vendor can then set-up special equipment to service the outdoor area.

To reserve the Events WiFi channel, submit a request on ASU Service Now for Network Services, Cabling, or Projects request form. Select the Installation and activation option in the Request for field.


Updated: October 18, 2023