Account Level vs Event Level Questions
In the Active and Inactive Questions tabs, you will see that some questions display a blue monitor icon while other questions do not.
Questions with a monitor icon are Account or System Level fields. These are fields provided by Stova or programmed by the ASU Account Admins. Data in these fields populate the registrant's master record in Stova and is available to pre-populate fields in registrations for any ASU event. While the field labels can be edited for an event's audience, these fields should be used for their intended purpose and not edited to change their intent.
For example, you may want to change the label of the "Title" field to "Job Title." That would be an acceptable edit to the Account level field as the intent of the field - gathering a person's title - has not been changed.
However, if you changed the "Title" field to "What is your favorite color?" and programmed a pulldown list of color options - that would be an unacceptable change to an Account level field as you are changing the intent.
Questions that do not have a monitor icon are Event Level fields. Data in these fields are only stored in the event.
You may create as many Event Level fields as you like by clicking the Add Question button at the bottom of the screen.
Examples of Event Level fields would be dietary restrictions, name for badge, comments, etc.
Note: Many Account Level fields specific to ASU - such as ASURite ID, EMPLID, campuses, colleges, etc. - are available on the Inactive questions tab. You may move a question from the Inactive questions tab to the Active questions tab by changing the Page field in the Question Editor.